Saturday, September 20, 2008

Last Lap + playing+ OCIP + holidays coming up

Last few days before promos and we finally cleared our 2nd last segment of Project Work ( written report). Everybody was rejoicing in jubilation and a sense of relief just settled over us. Now, the main focus is Promos, which are about 8/9 days away. o.O

Side note: Never knew a printing and photocopying shop can charge $1 for 1 printed colour side. Moreover, our written report had 71 pages (including appendix). That is tantamount to robbery...for the price that u pay, can be used instead to buy your own printer ink...-_-

Gonna chiong basketball and other stuff straight after promos...while preparing for Oral Presentation of our Project and A level Chinese. And will be the holidays!!!

There will be a Overseas Community Involvement Project as well at Batam. Looking forward to it as well :)

WHEEEEEEEEE...lets get it over and done with

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Cause Elissa wanted to read

Been playing basketball more often nowadays...less of soccer...hardly any chance...haha takes away my cares...and just lets me soak in the adrenalin flowing throughout the body. It's a really cool sport, a fake, dribble and a jump shot which you let you watch it spiral down towards the basket....

Your heart races with anticipation as you hope that it will go in...

Sometimes, luck is with you, and all your shots go down...but then again sometimes, it's just not your day...

Of course it's debatable that some don't require luck...rather they have skill...
HAHA....true to some extent, but it's good to be humble and just play :)

It's a great team game within a small area. U swerve, maneuver and dribble just to get space and time to shoot. The easier way would be to get inside and score off the board...but that could get boring..really...TRY something NEW and CRAZY WHOOOO.

Try a no-look shot...throw an alley, come up with ur own moves..

But above all HAVE FUN!!!


Basketball...where the ball joins strangers in harmony around a basket. LOL