Friday, April 29, 2005

Progress On Clarinet Playing

Learning new piece like i stated in an earlier post. Folk Song suite. Still trying hard and practising to get it pat down and be able to play it. There are some parts where I am still struggling to get it right and I hope I will be able to get it soon before June so that I can improve on it before we go for the World Music Contest. Trying to bring my Clarinet back everyday to practice during my free time.

Teaching Primary pupils

Starting from this week, the secondary band members are required and asked to help out the primary school band for next year's Primary School SYF as they are not anywhere near the standard of getting a gold in SYF. Its tiring and hard to teach them...still learning what's the correct way and how to teach them. They are very restless and are hard to quiet. Hope we will be able to help them to a Gold standard before SYF next year.

Monday, April 25, 2005

New Band member

Yea! Today, confirmed that one of my previous classmate quiting track to join Band..yay!
He is learning the Saxophone and hope that he can make it with the whole band when we go World Music Contest in July. We are training hard for it and we want to do our best. We're playing Jericho which is the set piece and Folk Song Suite, our choice piece.