Friday, February 16, 2007

E-learning Journey + CNY celebrations

E-learning journey:

Wednesday was the day we went for E-learning journey. Our destination was Singapore Discovery Centre. All in all, it was not too boring yet was not that eye-catching either. Watched some movie on fighter pilots. Then, we took a bus and took in some sights of SAFTI. After which, we had free time to explore SDC. They had some lame and funny games inside. The one that was the most ridiculous was the robot named "Little George". Auto replies and the replies can be so outrageous that its hilarious. Or maybe we were tickled pink to see the naive questions that the little primary kids were bomblasting it with.

Had lunch at the SAFTI cookhouse. Not too shabby but it was good enough...Tedmond was being greedy and ate 3 puddings in one mouthful each. LOL...
After lunch, we went back to SDC and while others had guided tours, our class were playing diety, chinese chess. seems that recently, my class has been on a "old school kick" playing digimon device, chinese chess....really cool in a retro kinda way.

Had band after that. Realised that the plastic reed has its limitations...-_-....( Can't play loud enough...much softer than the wooden reed ) Therefore, I'm going back to the traditional way of playing the clarinet.

CNY celebrations:

Had two periods of lesson before recess and the actual celebration in the school hall. Quite redundant if you ask me...(why not just celebrate it straight away?) LOL...
The performances were ok...some just FUNNY, ridiculous and just plain stupid. Rao was acting as some father of two students with Ms Long as the wife..
Laughter ensued as endearing terms were used to address one another....It just seems so half the school or maybe the whole school knows or thinks that Rao is gay/acts gay.

Dismissed at 12.30pm. Alas, I could not celebrate it at home but had to go for Band, again. Mr Heng took us instead of Miss Tan. Was for the best anyways...since everyone does not exactly quite like Miss Tan anymore...she has been complaining alot...but we see her do very little to conduct us and doing the wrong things at the wrong time. It's irritatingly frustrating!
What's the point of being a conductor when you don't want to conduct the band. In fact, the connection has to be between the band and the conductor...however, I feel that this connection is far from being achieved if this continues on.

Mr Heng worked on our Air Support and Articulation. Very productive practice I might say, as I reflect on our improvement today. I think Mr Heng can do a better job than Miss Tan at this very moment. Was Super Tired during combined....but managed to pull through it... :)

Yay! Tomorrow is Saturday, the eve of CNY. GREAT JOY as I am able to rest at last...
Thats all for recent events...Bye


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